The 7 News Values in the News
- High Near 70 With Some Sun After Early Clouds
- This article matches with timeliness
- The reason why this article goes with timeliness is because it's up
to date and has all the most recent facts about the subject of the
article (Weather).
- Person Killed By Train In South Austin
- This article goes with proximity
- This article goes with proximity because it is the event that is right by my house and in my area.
- Obama Plan Would likely bolster TxDOT
- This article matches with prominence
- This article goes with prominence because it is referring to the
President of the United States, who is a very big impact on the U.S.
- Django Unchained Is Pulled From China's Theaters
- This article goes with impact
- This article goes with impact because, the movie Django Unchained and it
getting pulled had an affect on the Chinese, obviously there was a
reason for it being pulled.
- Cuba returns couple who fled with sons in custody fight
- This article goes with conflict
- This article goes with conflict because the couple was fighting for the custody of their children and tried to escape in the mean time.
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