Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Caption #1

who - president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama 

what-they are hugging  each other,embracing tight hug.
where- airport,washington D.C kennedy international Airport,on the tarmac out by the air plane .
when-monday,november 17th at 11 a.m
why-they had been separated for 3 week while obama was on the camping trial trying to get re election as president of the united states .
background - president obama tripped and fall on his way into the terminal and hit his head hard enough that the medical team nearby had to come out and help him.
sentence #1 

president barack obama embraces his wife michelle at the kennedy airport after returning home from a trip to ohio where he was  stumping  for re-election on tuesday afternoon.

sentence #2

the president while on his way to the terminal., tripped and fall requiring medical attention 
f0r a cut on his left cheek.

caption head 
 tripping his way to the presidency 

caption #2


what-his singing on a crane 

where-psy is on a tour so his on a concert 

when-this was in korean in dec 15 , 2012 

why-becuse he was in a tour so he had to be doing lots concerts 

how-he got in a crest and started to sing 

background-this happen because he had a crazy dream that he was on a crane and he was singing his song called gangnam style and he was exited to tell his team so he could do it

sentence #1

psy was on a crane singing his single called gangnam style he was so happy to preform the song.


this all happened because psy had a crazy dream that he did it so he was shore he wanted t 
to this for his fans 

Happy gangnam style 

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